Monday, 7 November 2011

Volunteering in Ghana - Day 12

Day 12

Good start to the day - wasn't tortured in the night. It's Monday and back to the summer school routine of rotas and schooling. In our class we seemed to have a few missing from the week before, which worked out well as it was easier to teach them, and also I didn't have to sharpen as many pencils as usual. We had a new addition to the Volunteers. Kinza's Brother Joe arrived to help out. He's a fan of road beers too, so we get on grand. I don't know how it happened but before I knew it we were at a pub.

More and more, the conversation is turning to the food the we miss and the levels of drool are becoming a health and safety issue. Anything different to rice. Anything.

Johnny Observations

All taxi drivers seem to be moonlighting as banger car racers. Using the same car for both. You're onto a winner when you get a taxi that has has all it's doors.

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