Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Griffithism's Volume 2

I admit, not a great start to my blogging new year...however, I did have a fashion faux par with a dog, so that's great...more on that in another blog.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New year. Seems like so long ago already now, doesn't it. It's all about the family time and it's where some old stories get retold. My favourite being this one, involving Papa G and my older sister Gemma.

So, Papa G was about to have a shower but didn't have a towel. He thought he was alone for some reason so he waltzed through to the hallway, in all his glory, in search of a towel. He opened the airing cupboard to find one. He heard light footsteps on the stairs. In panic, he jumped into the airing cupboard and closed the door behind him.

It turns out Gemma, who was about 14 at the time, was also in search of a towel and headed straight for the airing cupboard. But upon opening the door, instead of the inviting warmed towels that are usually in there. there was her dad. Naked, covering his modesty. He said the first thing that came to mind "Uh, It doesn't seem that I have any clothes on at the moment, Gemma". She simply replied "OK" and shut the door, leaving him to it. I would love to have known what was going through her mind at this time. Did she think that Papa G was some kind of airing cupboard pervert weirdo? Or did she think it was just a Dad thing? That's what Dad's do. Classic Papa G is what I'm thinking.

Okay so you remember my sister Julia? The girl who joined a gym and 8 months later still didn't know how to find it? Well, she came up with another classic. Being New year and all she decided to try out a new diet and was telling her friend Rachel all about it.

Julia: "I started a new diet today, it's going really well".
Rachel: "That's great. what diet is it?"
Julia: "It's an alternative day diet. You have Up days - where you can eat anything you want and Down days where you eat hardly anything."
Rachel: "what have you done for your diet today?"
Julia: "oh, nothing. Today is an up day so I can eat what I want!"

...So really she hadn't started a diet. Not only that, to make sure she wouldn't forget, in her diary she had written up, down, up, down on everyday of the first few weeks. Gotta love her.

Anyways, that is it for Griffithisms. More stories on the way soon, plus hopefully a photo of my Fashion faux par with a dog...Has this happened to anyone else?


  1. Johnny, actually cracking up out loud to this!!!

  2. Absolutely hilarious JG! Can't wait for the photo! Still waiting for my dedication....!

  3. The dedication! I will soon Shaniek!
